Home » Academic Singles: An In-Depth Look at the Online Dating Platform

Academic Singles: An In-Depth Look at the Online Dating Platform

Are you single and looking for love? Tired of swiping left on the same old dating apps? Then it’s time to try something new – Academic Singles! But is this site really worth your time, or will it just leave you feeling frustrated and alone? Let’s find out. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at what makes Academic Singles unique – from its matchmaking process to user experience. So grab some popcorn (or maybe even a date) and let’s dive in!


Well, if you’re looking for a date who’s as smart as they are attractive, Academic Singles might be the spot for you! It’s not my top pick of dating sites – there are better ones out there – but it’ll do in a pinch. The site is pretty straightforward and easy to use; plus, I found that most of the people on here have at least some college education under their belt. So even though it may not be your first choice when it comes to online dating sites, Academic Singles isn’t too shabby either!

Academic Singles in 10 seconds

  • Academic Singles is a dating site designed to help singles find compatible matches.
  • It uses an extensive personality test and matching algorithm to suggest potential partners.
  • Pricing options range from free to premium subscriptions starting at $49.90 per month.
  • Premium subscription prices are $49.90 for one month, $119.70 for three months, and $179.40 for six months.
  • Academic Singles has both a website and mobile app.
  • The pricing of Academic Singles is comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • All data is encrypted and stored securely, and members can opt to remain anonymous until they feel comfortable sharing personal information.
  • Members can verify their profile with a selfie and contact customer service if they suspect any suspicious activity.
  • Special features include “Smile” which allows members to break the ice with a pre-written message and “Favourites” which allows members to save profiles they like.
  • Academic Singles also offers a “Boost” feature which increases visibility of a member’s profile.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate interface.
  • Comprehensive personality test for more accurate matches.
  • Large pool of potential partners with similar educational backgrounds.
  • Not enough active users in some areas.
  • Limited features for free members.
  • High cost of premium membership.

How we reviewed Academic Singles

As an online dating expert, I put Academic Singles through its paces. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get a comprehensive understanding of what it has to offer. We sent messages back-and-forth with other users for over 100 days, sending out more than 200 messages in total – no stone was left unturned! We also spent time looking at all aspects of user experience on Academic Singles: from registration process right through to searching for matches; messaging features; payment options available; safety measures implemented by the site etc., you name it we checked it! All this data was carefully collected and analyzed so that our review could be as accurate as possible. Finally, my commitment sets me apart from other review sites – while they may just give their opinion based on one or two visits, we took extra steps (like spending over 100 days using this website) in order to make sure that our readers have access only reliable information about any given service or product before making a decision whether they should use them or not.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support on Academic Singles, the dating site isn’t exactly top-notch. Don’t get me wrong – it’s not terrible either, but there are definitely better options out there if you need help with something quickly. I’ve used their service a couple of times and have to say that response time was pretty slow each time.

There is an FAQ page which covers some basic topics like registration and account settings; however, this won’t be enough if your issue requires more detailed assistance from customer service reps. Unfortunately they don’t offer live chat or phone support so all inquiries must go through email only – which could take days before getting any kind of reply back (and even then it might not be very helpful). I contacted them twice during my experience with the website: once when I had trouble logging in and another when trying to change my profile picture – both times took quite a while before someone got back to me about resolving the issues at hand (which were eventually solved). So yeah…if you’re hoping for quick answers or solutions then Academic Singles probably isn’t going to cut it!

Overall though they do provide decent customer care as long as you don’t mind waiting around until somebody gets back in touch with ya’. Just keep in mind that sometimes patience really is a virtue here since responses can take several hours up till two business days depending on how busy things are over at their end!

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, Academic Singles is not the most secure dating app out there. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have any measures in place – they do! Let’s take a look at what this site has to offer when it comes to keeping its users safe.

First off, Academic Singles does have some verification for users. They require you to provide your email address during registration so that you can be verified as an authentic user of their platform before being allowed access into the website or mobile application. This helps them fight against bots and fake accounts from infiltrating their system – which is always a plus! Plus, if someone tries creating multiple accounts with one email address then those will also get flagged by their system automatically; another great way of making sure only real people are using the service! Additionally, while two-step verification isn’t available yet on Academic Singles (which would make things even more secure), all photos uploaded onto profiles are manually reviewed by staff members prior approval so no inappropriate content makes its way through either – something else we really appreciate about this online dating service provider! And lastly but certainly not least important: privacy policy wise everything seems pretty solid here too since they never share personal information without consent nor use data collected for anything other than providing services related directly with improving user experience within the platform itself; again something worth mentioning considering how many times companies nowadays tend to forget about these kind of details altogether…so thumbs up from us on that front too!!

All in all though? We’d say AcademicsSingles offers decent enough safety features compared with other sites out there but still could benefit greatly from adding additional ones such as two-factor authentication or better encryption methods etcetera etcetera…but hey – nobody’s perfect right?!

Design & Usability

When it comes to online dating, Academic Singles is okay but not the best. The site’s design and usability are just average. It has a fairly basic layout with muted colors that don’t really stand out from other sites in this category. There isn’t much going on visually, so if you’re looking for something more exciting then you may want to look elsewhere.

In terms of usability, Academic Singles does have some nice features such as an easy-to-use search function and profile creation process which makes getting started quick and simple enough even for those who aren’t tech savvy! However, there are still some areas where improvements could be made – particularly when it comes to UI (user interface). For example, navigating through profiles can be quite slow at times due to its clunky navigation system – although purchasing a paid subscription will give users access to faster loading speeds which helps make up for this issue somewhat. The overall experience while using the site was alright; nothing too special or groundbreaking though I must say! If anything stands out about Academic Singles it would probably have been their customer service team who were very helpful whenever I had any questions or queries about my account etc., so props go out them in that regard! All things considered though if your expectations aren’t set too high then you should find yourself having an enjoyable time here…just don’t expect fireworks ya know?

Mobile App

Ah, Academic Singles. The dating site for those of us who are looking to find our intellectual match! But does it have a mobile app? Well, the answer is both yes and no.

If you’re an Android user then I’m afraid there isn’t any native app available for download from Google Play Store yet – but don’t despair! You can still access all your favorite features on the go by simply visiting their website via your phone’s browser. And if you’re an iOS user then great news – they do have a native app that can be downloaded free of charge from Apple App Store (yay!). So let me tell ya what this nifty little thing has in store…

First off, the UI looks quite slick and modern with its light grey background and bright blue accents – very pleasing to look at indeed! It also offers smooth navigation between pages so users won’t get lost while trying to figure out how things work around here. In terms of functionality though…it doesn’t really offer anything new or revolutionary compared to other similar apps out there like Tinder or Bumble etc., which may disappoint some people since they were expecting something more innovative than just swiping left/right feature we’ve seen before many times over already (you know what I mean). On top of that, some folks might not appreciate having limited messaging options as well as lack certain filters when searching through profiles due too low number settings provided by developers during initial launch phase..

All in all though Academic Singles’ mobile application is definitely worth checking out especially if you want quick access without needing laptop/PC nearby – plus it’ll save time spent waiting until desktop version loads up properly each time 🙂


So, you’re looking to join Academic Singles? Well, it’s not free but there are some benefits of getting a paid subscription. First off, the prices aren’t too bad – they’re competitive with other dating sites out there and won’t break the bank. Plus if you do sign up for a premium membership then you get access to all sorts of features that make your online dating experience more enjoyable like unlimited messaging and seeing who has viewed your profile.

But don’t expect any miracles when it comes to pricing – while Academic Singles isn’t overly expensive compared to its competitors, it certainly isn’t cheap either! So just keep in mind that if budget is an issue for you then this might not be the best choice as far as online dating goes. On the flip side though, sometimes shelling out a few extra bucks can really pay off in terms of finding love so maybe give Academic Singles a try after all!

Plan Price Features
Basic $39.90/month View profiles, send smiles, create a profile, upload photos
Premium $49.90/month View profiles, send smiles, create a profile, upload photos, contact members, receive contact requests, use the chat feature
VIP $59.90/month View profiles, send smiles, create a profile, upload photos, contact members, receive contact requests, use the chat feature, get priority customer service, access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Academic Singles include eHarmony, Match.com, OkCupid and Plenty of Fish. These sites offer a variety of features such as detailed profiles, compatibility tests and matchmaking services that can help you find the perfect partner for you.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking to meet someone with a similar educational background.
  • Best for professionals who are too busy to find dates in their everyday lives.
  • Best for people seeking long-term relationships based on shared interests and values.


1. Is Academic Singles worth it?

Overall, Academic Singles is an okay choice for online dating. It’s not the best out there but it can be a good starting point to find someone who shares your interests and values. I would recommend giving it a try if you’re looking for something more serious than casual dating apps.

2. Is Academic Singles worth the money?

Overall, Academic Singles is an okay choice for online dating. It’s not the best option out there but it does offer a decent selection of potential matches and has some useful features. Ultimately, whether or not it’s worth the money depends on your individual needs and preferences when looking for a partner.

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on Academic Singles?

Based on my experience with Academic Singles, it usually takes about a day or two for your profile to be approved. It’s not the fastest process but it does get the job done. Overall, I’d say that Academic Singles is an okay choice if you’re looking for online dating options.

4. How to find people on Academic Singles?

Academic Singles is a decent dating site, but there are better options out there. You can find people on Academic Singles by creating an account and filling in your profile information to get matched with compatible singles. It’s also possible to search for other users manually if you prefer that approach.

Lisa Concepcion

Lisa Concepcion is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping people find love. She is a highly sought-after relationship coach and consultant, with over 10 years of experience in the field. Having studied psychology at Harvard University, Lisa has a deep understanding of how relationships work and what makes them successful or unsuccessful. After completing her degree she went on to gain further knowledge by working as a matchmaker for several high profile clients before eventually setting up her own business offering bespoke advice services tailored specifically for each individual client's needs. As well as being passionate about helping others find their perfect partner, Lisa also enjoys writing reviews on different dating sites and apps which have become increasingly popular in recent years - something that she believes can help many more people get into meaningful relationships than ever before! Her expertise extends beyond just providing tips; through research conducted both online and offline she offers honest opinions based upon first hand experiences so that readers are able to make informed decisions when it comes time to choose the right platform for themselves or someone they know who may be looking for love too! In addition to this, Lisa hosts regular seminars where attendees can learn from real life stories shared by other singles out there trying their luck with digital romance platforms – giving everyone involved valuable insight into how best navigate these tricky waters successfully without getting hurt along the way!

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