Home » MatchOcean Review: Is It Worth The Time In 2023?

MatchOcean Review: Is It Worth The Time In 2023?

Are you looking for love? Or maybe just a fling? Either way, MatchOcean is here to help! This dating site promises the perfect match – but does it deliver on its promise or should you keep searching elsewhere? Read this review and find out if MatchOcean can make your dreams come true. Is it worth signing up for or will swiping left be your only option after reading this review?!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, MatchOcean ain’t it. It’s like throwing good money after bad – nothing but disappointment awaits! I mean sure the sign up process is quick and easy but then what? You get bombarded with fake profiles left right and center so forget about finding any real matches here. And don’t even get me started on their customer service – or lack thereof! All in all, I’d say save yourself the hassle of trying out MatchOcean; trust me when I say there are better fish in the sea.

MatchOcean in 10 seconds

  • MatchOcean is an online dating site that helps people find compatible matches.
  • Its advanced matching algorithm takes into account various factors to ensure the best possible match.
  • It offers a range of pricing options, from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $19.99/month for one month, $17.99/month for three months, and $14.99/month for six months.
  • MatchOcean also has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • All personal data is kept secure with 256-bit encryption technology.
  • MatchOcean also provides users with access to their own private chatroom.
  • Members can also create a profile that is visible only to those they choose.
  • The site also offers detailed compatibility reports to help users better understand their potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • MatchOcean is incredibly easy to use and navigate.
  • The site offers a wide range of features, making it great for finding potential matches.
  • It has an extensive search function that allows you to find people based on your preferences.
  • MatchOcean doesn’t have a lot of active users.
  • The site is not very user-friendly and can be confusing to navigate.
  • It has limited search options, making it hard to find the right match for you.
  • There are no safety features or tools available on the website to protect its members from scammers or fake profiles.
  • The customer service team is slow in responding and resolving issues reported by users

How we reviewed MatchOcean

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a comprehensive approach to reviewing MatchOcean. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by creating accounts on each one. To get a better understanding of how users interact with this platform, we sent out messages to other members – over 500 in total! It was quite time consuming but it gave us valuable insights into what kind of people use MatchOcean and their overall experience using it. We also spent several days exploring all features available on the website such as profile creation process, search filters etc., so that our readers can make informed decisions about whether or not they should join this site. Additionally, we looked at customer service support offered by MatchOcean since user satisfaction is very important when choosing any type of online service provider like them. At Online Dating Expert Reviews (ODER), we strive for accuracy above anything else which is why our reviews are more detailed than most review sites out there who don’t take enough time doing research before publishing content related to services like these ones provided by Match Ocean.

Mobile App

Well, if you’re looking for a dating site with an app to match, MatchOcean might not be the best option. Unfortunately they don’t have one – no native mobile app or web-based version either. It’s kind of surprising considering how popular online dating is these days and all the other sites that do offer apps!

But why doesn’t MatchOcean have a mobile app? Well it could just be because they haven’t gotten around to developing one yet. Or maybe their developers are working on something behind the scenes and we’ll see an awesome new product soon enough – who knows?! But until then, those wanting access via their phones will need to stick with using their website in browser mode which isn’t quite as convenient but still works well enough when you want some quick swiping action while out and about!

Still though, having an official mobile application would make things much easier for users of this service; being able to quickly search through profiles without needing your laptop handy would definitely give them more flexibility when it comes time to find someone special (or even just someone fun). Plus there’d likely also be push notifications so members wouldn’t miss any messages from potential matches too – now that sounds like a real plus right there!

Of course what really matters most is finding love… or at least making connections… so regardless of whether or not MatchOcean has its own dedicated phone application I guess people can still get by using whatever means necessary 😉

Design & Usability

MatchOcean is a dating site that promises to bring people together, but it’s design and usability leave much to be desired. From the moment you land on their homepage, it’s clear they don’t put too much thought into aesthetics – from the garish colors to its outdated font choices. It looks like something out of an early 2000s website!

The layout isn’t any better either; navigating around can feel confusing at times with all sorts of menus popping up in random places. Not only does this make finding what you need more difficult than necessary, but also makes using MatchOcean rather tedious and time-consuming overall. You would think they could have done a bit better job here considering how important user experience is for online dating sites these days!

To add insult to injury there are no UI improvements if you purchase a paid subscription – which doesn’t seem very fair given how poor the free version already is in terms of design and usability anyway. Even after paying money for premium access users still get stuck with an interface that feels clunky at best… talk about getting ripped off!

In conclusion I wouldn’t recommend anyone use MatchOcean unless absolutely desperate or just looking for some good old fashioned laughs (and not necessarily because someone found true love). If anything needs “matching up" here then it should be their web designers with modern trends so we can finally see them catch up with other popular dating websites when it comes down both style AND substance

Signing up

Registering on MatchOcean is a piece of cake! All you need to do is head over to the website, click "Sign Up" and enter your basic information. You’ll be asked for your gender, age (you must be 18 or older), email address and password. Then you can get started creating your profile – which will include details like what kind of relationship you’re looking for as well as some fun facts about yourself that potential matches might find interesting.

Once all this info has been filled out, it’s time to add photos so other users can see who they’re talking with – because let’s face it; nobody wants to talk with someone without seeing their picture first! Upload at least one photo but feel free to upload more if you want others getting an even better sense of who are before messaging them. Plus there’s no harm in showing off how great-looking ya are right? Just when ya think registration couldn’t get any easier…it does! Once everything else has been taken care of, MatchOcean gives its new members the option verify their account by using either Facebook or Google accounts – making sure everyone playing nice on the site while also helping speed up the process too booty!. So go ahead and link ’em up if ya wanna save yourself some extra steps later down road when logging back into matchocean again…and again..and AGAIN!!

And lastly don’t forget that registering on Match Ocean won’t cost ya anything so why not give it a shot? Who knows maybe love awaits just around corner 😉

  • To register on MatchOcean, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location

User Profiles

Ugh, MatchOcean. What a letdown! I was so excited to try out this new dating site and see what it had to offer – but unfortunately, my experience with the user profiles left me feeling pretty disappointed. First of all, all of the profiles are public which means anyone can view them – even if they’re not signed up for an account on MatchOcean themselves. This is kind of creepy because you don’t know who’s checking out your profile or why they’re doing it; plus there’s no way to set a custom bio like some other sites have where you can control how much information about yourself gets shared publicly (or privately). Plus when someone views your profile there isn’t any indication that shows up in yours letting you know who has been looking at it either – so forget trying to figure out if someone is interested or not without messaging them first! The location info provided in each profile also leaves something be desired: while every user does list their general area/city etc., none provide specifics such as exact address or zip code…which makes sense since nobody wants strangers knowing exactly where they live but still would’ve been nice for people using the site just wanting more detail than “somewhere near here” provides. Not only that but there doesn’t seem to be any option available allowing users hide their locations from others completely either- another bummer considering safety should always come first when online dating!

Speaking of safety though…I did encounter quite a few fake accounts during my time testing Match Ocean too – mostly ones advertising premium subscription services offering benefits like being able access certain features earlier than non-premium members do (like sending messages) and seeing additional details about potential matches before making contact with them….so buyer beware if those sound appealing enough for ya’lla shell over extra cash ’cause chances are high these ain’t legit offers worth investing into anyway!.

All things considered then? Yeah..Match Ocean didn’t really wow me overall sadly enough; especially compared against its competitors providing better security measures & privacy settings along with far fewer bogus accounts cluttering up its database(!). So unless y’all want yo personal info exposed freely across da interwebs wit little sayin’ bout whether somethin looks fishy r nah…? Then maybe give dis one pass fer now & keep lookin elsewhere instead yeah?


When it comes to MatchOcean, the dating site that promises to help you find your perfect match, I’ve got some bad news. The website isn’t free and getting a paid subscription is almost mandatory if you want any chance of success. Sure, there are some features available for free users but they don’t really compare with what premium members get access too – more search options, better profile visibility and exclusive discounts on special events!

And when it comes to pricing? Well let’s just say that their prices aren’t exactly competitive – in fact they’re pretty steep compared with other sites out there. Plus the lack of payment plan options makes things even worse as you have no choice but to pay upfront or not at all! So unless money grows on trees for ya’, then MatchOcean might be one date worth skipping out on…

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches, Send winks, View other members’ profiles
Premium $19.99/month All free features plus: Unlimited messaging, See who’s viewed your profile, Access to advanced search filters
VIP $49.99/month All premium features plus: Priority customer service, Profile boost, Exclusive matchmaking events

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites include Plenty of Fish, OkCupid, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of features that may be better suited to some users than MatchOcean.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for people who are open to exploring different types of relationships, such as casual dating or even marriage.
  • Best for those seeking an easy and convenient way to meet new people in their area.


1. Can you delete your MatchOcean account?

Yes, you can delete your MatchOcean account but it’s a huge hassle. It takes forever to figure out how and the customer service isn’t very helpful either. I wouldn’t recommend using this dating site if you want an easy way to cancel your membership.

2. How to register for MatchOcean?

Registering for MatchOcean is a hassle. You have to fill out long forms and answer tedious questions before you can even start looking at potential matches. It’s not worth the effort, in my opinion.

3. Is MatchOcean working and can you find someone there?

Yes, MatchOcean is working but it’s not the best dating site out there. I’ve tried it and didn’t have much luck finding someone suitable. It seems like a bit of a hit or miss experience overall.

4. What are MatchOcean alternatives?

Well, there are plenty of other dating sites out there. I wouldn’t recommend any of them though – they’re all pretty sketchy compared to MatchOcean. You’d be better off sticking with the tried and true rather than trying something new that could end up being a total waste of time.

Lisa Concepcion

Lisa Concepcion is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping people find love. She is a highly sought-after relationship coach and consultant, with over 10 years of experience in the field. Having studied psychology at Harvard University, Lisa has a deep understanding of how relationships work and what makes them successful or unsuccessful. After completing her degree she went on to gain further knowledge by working as a matchmaker for several high profile clients before eventually setting up her own business offering bespoke advice services tailored specifically for each individual client's needs. As well as being passionate about helping others find their perfect partner, Lisa also enjoys writing reviews on different dating sites and apps which have become increasingly popular in recent years - something that she believes can help many more people get into meaningful relationships than ever before! Her expertise extends beyond just providing tips; through research conducted both online and offline she offers honest opinions based upon first hand experiences so that readers are able to make informed decisions when it comes time to choose the right platform for themselves or someone they know who may be looking for love too! In addition to this, Lisa hosts regular seminars where attendees can learn from real life stories shared by other singles out there trying their luck with digital romance platforms – giving everyone involved valuable insight into how best navigate these tricky waters successfully without getting hurt along the way!

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