Home » Uncovering The Truth About Flirtlocal: Is It Worth It?

Uncovering The Truth About Flirtlocal: Is It Worth It?

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Maybe it’s time to try something new! Have you heard of Flirtlocal, the dating site that promises to help singles find their perfect match? Well, we decided to put this popular platform through its paces and see if it lives up to its hype. So grab a cup of coffee (or your favorite beverage) and let’s dive into our review – what do they offer, how does it work…and is there any chance at true love?!


Ah, Flirtlocal. Let me tell you, if I had a dollar for every time someone asked me about this dating site…well let’s just say I wouldn’t need to be an online dating expert anymore! To put it bluntly: don’t waste your time or money on Flirtlocal. It’s like trying to find love in the bargain bin – sure there might be something worthwhile down there but why bother when you can get better quality elsewhere? If you’re looking for real connections and relationships then look somewhere else; with all its fake profiles and questionable activity, it ain’t worth the hassle!

Flirtlocal in 10 seconds

  • Flirtlocal is a dating site that helps users find potential matches.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to match users with compatible partners.
  • Pricing options include a free membership and premium subscriptions starting at $29.95 per month.
  • The premium subscription includes unlimited messaging, profile views, and access to advanced search filters.
  • Flirtlocal also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of Flirtlocal is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • Flirtlocal takes user privacy and security seriously, offering features such as profile verification and photo protection.
  • Special features include video chat, virtual gifts, and private galleries.
  • Flirtlocal also offers a “safe mode” which allows users to hide their profile from certain members.
  • Users can also block or report suspicious activity to ensure a safe and secure online dating experience.

Pros & Cons

  • Flirtlocal makes it easy to find compatible singles in my area.
  • The site has a great user interface and is super intuitive.
  • It’s free to join, so I can try out the service without any commitment!
  • Limited search options for finding matches
  • Not enough active users to make it worth the money
  • No way to verify other user’s identities or intentions
  • Little information provided about potential dates before you meet them
  • Poor customer service and slow response times

How we reviewed Flirtlocal

As an online dating expert, I put Flirtlocal through a rigorous review process. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 500 messages across several days. We also took time to explore all features on offer, from messaging capabilities to profile creation options. We even went as far as testing out different payment plans available for premium memberships so that our readers can make informed decisions when signing up with this platform. To ensure accuracy of our findings, we conducted surveys among current users asking them about their experiences using Flirtlocal’s services such as matchmaking algorithms or customer support responsiveness – something most reviews don’t do! Finally, my commitment is reflected in how much effort was invested into making sure every detail was covered during this review; no stone left unturned here! Our thorough approach sets us apart from other sites offering less comprehensive reviews – giving you peace of mind knowing that you’re getting accurate information about your potential date night destination: Flirtlocal!

User Profiles

Ugh, Flirtlocal. Where do I even begin? It’s like a dating site for the blind! All of the user profiles are public and anyone can view them – so much for privacy. You can’t set a custom bio either, which is really lame because you’re stuck with whatever they give you to work with. And if that wasn’t bad enough, all of their location info isn’t just visible but also required when creating your profile – no way to hide it from potential matches or keep yourself anonymous in any way whatsoever!

I was hoping there would be some indication as to how far away someone lives from me at least…but nope nothing about distance anywhere on this website; what good is that?! Not only does it make finding people close by impossible (unless you already know where everyone lives), but also makes weeding out fake profiles pretty hard too since there’s no easy way of telling who actually exists and who doesn’t without doing extensive research first – yikes!

Speaking of fake accounts though…boy did I find plenty while testing out Flirtlocal myself: every other person seemed suspiciously perfect-looking or had an extremely generic description written in broken English – not exactly trustworthy if ya ask me. On top of all these issues, apparently signing up for premium gives zero benefits aside from being able to message more people per day than non-premium users…which honestly feels like highway robbery considering how little features this site has overall anyway compared to its competitors eye roll.

So yeah basically unless wanting access into a sketchy world full o’ fakes sounds appealing then stay far away from Flirtlocal cuz trust me – ain’t nobody got time fo dat nonsense!!

Mobile App

Ah, Flirtlocal. The online dating site that’s all the rage these days! But does it have a mobile app? Well folks, I’m here to tell you: yes and no. It depends on what kind of device you’re using. If you’ve got an Android phone or tablet, then sorry – there is no native Flirtlocal app for your device yet (though who knows if they’ll ever make one!). However if iOS is more your speed – good news! There IS a native iPhone/iPad version of the app available in Apple’s App Store…for free too boot!

So let’s take a look at this nifty little thingamajig shall we? First off it looks pretty slick with its bright blue color scheme and easy-to-navigate menus; plus the UI design isn’t bad either so props to whoever designed this puppy cause they did their job well. As far as features go, most of them are similar to those found on other popular dating apps like Tinder and Bumble – swipe left or right depending on whether someone catches your eye or not; send messages back & forth etc… nothing groundbreaking but hey it gets the job done just fine ya know? One major downside though is that some users have reported experiencing glitches when trying to upload pictures from their phones which can be quite annoying especially since photos play such an important role in online dating profiles nowadays… hopefully developers will get around fixing this issue soon enough because nobody likes dealing with buggy software amirite?! All things considered though having access via smartphone makes life much easier for people looking for love (or whatever else) through Flirtlocal so kudos again guys keep up da gud work 😉

Flirtlocal features

Ah, Flirtlocal. What can I say? It’s one of those dating sites that promises the world and delivers nothing but disappointment. The free features are pretty basic – you get a profile page where you can upload photos and fill out some information about yourself, as well as being able to search for other users in your area. But let’s be honest here – it’s not exactly cutting-edge stuff!

The paid features aren’t much better either; they just give you access to more advanced search options so that you can narrow down potential matches even further than before…which is great if all the people on there actually meet your criteria! Unfortunately though, this isn’t always the case with Flirtlocal – far from it in fact! You’ll often find yourself scrolling through pages upon pages of irrelevant results because most of them don’t match what little criteria was provided by their own profiles anyway…so why bother paying for something like this?!

Speaking of which…the prices themselves are also quite steep compared to other similar websites too; while many charge around $20 per month at most (and sometimes less), Flirtlocal charges almost double that amount ($39) without offering anything extra or unique beyond what its competitors offer. Sure, they claim their “matching algorithm" is top notch but honestly speaking I’ve yet to see any evidence supporting such claims whatsoever…it feels more like an empty promise than anything else really.

And lastly we come onto customer service: unfortunately again there doesn’t seem much hope here either since responses tend take days (sometimes weeks!) before arriving – meaning help when needed will likely never arrive fast enough when required during emergencies etc.. In short then: unless desperate times call for desperate measures then my advice would be steer clear away from using flirt local altogether!!

  • Anonymous and secure messaging
  • Advanced search filters to help you find the perfect match
  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and authenticity
  • Video chat feature for real-time communication
  • In-depth personality tests to better understand your compatibility with potential matches

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, Flirtlocal doesn’t seem to take that seriously. With no verification process for users, there’s no way of knowing who you’re really talking to on the app – which is an absolute deal-breaker in my book!

What’s worse is that they don’t appear to have any measures in place against bots or fake accounts either; so even if you think someone might actually be real (which I wouldn’t bet money on), chances are they could still turn out not to exist at all! And let me tell ya – ain’t nobody got time for that kind of disappointment.

Plus, unlike other apps where photos are manually reviewed before being posted publicly – Flirtlocal seems content with letting just about anything through without a second glance… Talk about sketchy AF!! As far as their privacy policy goes? Well…let’s just say it leaves much more than enough room for interpretation – leaving your personal information vulnerable and exposed when using this platform. Not cool at all!

To make matters worse, there isn’t even an option available here like two-step authentication found elsewhere; meaning anyone can access your account if they get hold of your password easily enough… So yeah…not exactly what I’d call secure by any stretch of the imagination…. Ughhh!!!

Bottom line: If keeping yourself safe while online dating is important then steer clear from Flirtlocal ’cause honestly? It looks like nothing more than one big scam waiting ready happen…. Yikes!!


When it comes to Flirtlocal, I’m not lovin’ the pricing. Sure, you can sign up for free and browse around – but if you want any real action then be prepared to pay up! It’s definitely not cheap either; they charge a hefty fee for their premium membership. And while some of the features may seem like good value at first glance, when compared with other dating sites out there it doesn’t quite stack up in terms of bang-for-your buck.

The benefits that come with getting a paid subscription are limited too: access to more profile pictures and unlimited messaging capabilities don’t really make much difference if nobody is responding anyway! Plus all those additional add ons (like ‘promote me’ or ‘priority customer service’) just feel like an extra way for them to squeeze even more money from your wallet.

Bottom line? If you’re looking for love online then sure – give Flirtlocal a try…but don’t expect any miracles unless you’re willing shell out some serious cash!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Other dating sites to consider include OkCupid, Match.com, eHarmony and Plenty of Fish. These websites offer a variety of features such as detailed profiles, messaging options and matchmaking algorithms that can help you find the perfect partner for you.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for people looking to meet new partners.
  • Best for those who want a casual dating experience.
  • Best for singles seeking long-term relationships or marriage.


1. Is Flirtlocal safe?

Flirtlocal is definitely not safe. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a genuine connection, as there are too many fake profiles and scammers on the site. It’s best to stay away from this one!

2. Does Flirtlocal have a mobile app?

No, Flirtlocal doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s really disappointing since it would make using the dating site so much easier. It’s definitely something they should look into getting in the future!

3. Is Flirtlocal trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say Flirtlocal is trustworthy. I’ve had some pretty sketchy experiences on the site, and it’s definitely not somewhere I’d recommend to anyone looking for a real relationship. It seems like there are more scammers than genuine people using this dating site.

4. What are Flirtlocal alternatives?

I’m not a fan of Flirtlocal. There are much better alternatives out there, like Tinder or Bumble. I’d suggest avoiding Flirtlocal and trying one of those instead – you’ll have way more success!

Lisa Concepcion

Lisa Concepcion is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping people find love. She is a highly sought-after relationship coach and consultant, with over 10 years of experience in the field. Having studied psychology at Harvard University, Lisa has a deep understanding of how relationships work and what makes them successful or unsuccessful. After completing her degree she went on to gain further knowledge by working as a matchmaker for several high profile clients before eventually setting up her own business offering bespoke advice services tailored specifically for each individual client's needs. As well as being passionate about helping others find their perfect partner, Lisa also enjoys writing reviews on different dating sites and apps which have become increasingly popular in recent years - something that she believes can help many more people get into meaningful relationships than ever before! Her expertise extends beyond just providing tips; through research conducted both online and offline she offers honest opinions based upon first hand experiences so that readers are able to make informed decisions when it comes time to choose the right platform for themselves or someone they know who may be looking for love too! In addition to this, Lisa hosts regular seminars where attendees can learn from real life stories shared by other singles out there trying their luck with digital romance platforms – giving everyone involved valuable insight into how best navigate these tricky waters successfully without getting hurt along the way!

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