Home » XDating Review: Is It The Right Choice For You In 2023?

XDating Review: Is It The Right Choice For You In 2023?

Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to meet new people? Have you heard of XDating, the online dating site that promises to make your wildest dreams come true? Well, buckle up because we’re about to dive into this review! What can users expect from XDating – great matches or total disaster dates? How easy is it navigate around the website and find potential partners in their area? Is there anything else worth mentioning about this popular dating platform before signing up for an account?! Let’s get started finding out.


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, XDating is definitely not it. It’s like trying to find a needle in the haystack – good luck! I’ve tried it out myself and all I can say is “meh”. There are no real people on there; just bots or scammers who want nothing more than to take advantage of unsuspecting users. The whole experience was pretty much an exercise in futility – what a waste of my precious time! Save yourself the trouble and don’t bother with XDating; trust me when I say you’ll be better off without it.

XDating in 10 seconds

  • XDating is an online dating site.
  • It uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to connect users with potential matches.
  • It offers several pricing options, including monthly and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions start at $29.95, while annual subscriptions cost $119.40.
  • XDating has both a website and an app for iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of XDating is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • It provides users with a high level of privacy and security, including secure payment processing.
  • It also offers special features such as video chat and photo verification.
  • Users can also view detailed profiles of potential matches before making contact.
  • It also has a “safe mode” feature that allows users to control who can view their profile.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface
  • Quick and easy sign up process
  • Variety of users from all over the world
  • Not enough active users.
  • Too many fake profiles.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches.
  • Difficult to use the site without a paid subscription plan.
  • Lack of customer service support if needed.

How we reviewed XDating

As an online dating expert, my team and I conducted a thorough review of XDating. We tested both the free and paid versions to get a full understanding of what this site had to offer its users. To ensure we got accurate results from our testing process, we sent out over 200 messages in total across multiple days on the platform – that’s more than most other review sites! We also took time exploring all features available such as profile creation, searching for matches based on criteria like age or location etc., messaging system functionality and payment options if any. Our aim was not only to test how well these features worked but also whether they were user-friendly enough for new members joining the website who may have no prior experience with online dating services. Finally, before writing up our findings into an easy-to-understand report format suitable for readers looking at reviews about XDating; we double checked every aspect mentioned above again just so nothing is missed out during evaluation stage itself! This commitment towards providing detailed information sets us apart from other review sites which often don’t go beyond surface level analysis when it comes down to reviewing different websites/apps related specifically with online dating industry as whole.

Design & Usability

When it comes to the design and usability of XDating, let’s just say there are some definite improvements that could be made. The site is not exactly a feast for the eyes; its bright colors and garish graphics make it look like something out of an early 2000s website. It doesn’t have much in terms of user-friendly features either – navigating around can feel like trying to find your way through a maze at times!

The overall usability isn’t great either – even basic tasks such as setting up your profile or searching for potential matches can take longer than necessary due to all the extra steps involved. To top things off, if you want any kind of UI improvement then you’ll need to upgrade from free membership with a paid subscription – which seems pretty unfair considering how little effort has been put into making this dating site more attractive or easier on users’ eyes!

It’s clear that XDating needs some serious help when it comes down its design and usability issues – otherwise people won’t stick around long enough (or at all!) to give them their hard earned cash money. If they don’t step up their game soon, I think we might see them go belly-up before too long…and no one wants that now do they?

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises to be the real deal, then look elsewhere. XDating is far from it. The user profiles are public and anyone can view them – so much for privacy! And don’t expect any custom bios either; there’s no way of setting one up here. As if this wasn’t bad enough, location info is included in each profile too – with no option to hide it either! So not only do people know where you live but they also get an indication of how close or far away potential matches may be…if distance even matters at all on this website (it doesn’t seem like it).

To make things worse, I didn’t find any benefits whatsoever when upgrading my account to premium status – nothing except a bigger hole in my wallet that is! On top of all these issues, what really put me off was the sheer number of fake profiles I encountered while testing out XDating. It felt more like an online scam than anything else…which isn’t exactly ideal when trying out a dating site now is it? All-in-all if your goal was finding love online then forget about using Xdating as your go-to place because trust me -you won’t find jack squat here other than disappointment and frustration galore!!

Mobile App

Ah, XDating. It’s the go-to site for singles looking to find love online. But does it have a mobile app? Well, here’s what I can tell you: yes and no! Unfortunately there is no native XDating app available on either iOS or Android devices – but that doesn’t mean all hope is lost if you’re an avid user of this dating service.

XDating has created its own web application which allows users to access their accounts from any device with internet connection (including tablets). This means that even though there isn’t a dedicated mobile version of the website per se, those who are signed up will still be able to search for potential matches while they’re out and about – just not through an official download like other popular apps such as Tinder or Bumble offer. The main advantage of using this method instead of creating a full-fledged native app would be cost savings; developing one requires significant resources in terms of both time and money so by going down the route they’ve chosen, XDating could save themselves some cash whilst still providing members with access via portable devices when needed – win/win situation right?

However it must also be noted that because this type solution isn’t optimized specifically for smartphones or tablets,the overall experience may feel clunky at times compared to more streamlined experiences offered by competitors’ apps. For example loading speeds might take longer than expected due certain compatibility issues between different operating systems etc., making browsing less enjoyable than usual. Also keep in mind since downloading anything extra onto your phone won’t actually happen here,you’ll need enough data allowance each month should you wish use Xdating regularly away from home!

All things considered then,I’d say although having no specific ‘app’ itself might seem like downside initially ;it shouldn’t put off anyone interested in trying out xdating anytime soon especially given how convenient accessing their account via browser really can end up being once used properly!

XDating features

Ah, XDating. Where do I even begin? Well, let me tell you – it’s not the dating site of my dreams! I’m sure some people out there have had success with this website but for most folks like myself who are looking for a serious relationship, it just doesn’t cut the mustard. Sure they offer free features such as profile creation and searching other users’ profiles but that’s about all you get from them without paying up. And trust me when I say their paid services aren’t worth your hard-earned cash either! The only unique feature on XDating is their "Match Me" option which basically allows users to search based on certain criteria such as age range or location – so nothing revolutionary there really. But what really irks me is how often these matches don’t pan out; more often than not they’re completely off base and way too far away geographically speaking (which makes sense since XDating isn’t exactly well known). Plus if you want access to any kind of messaging service then be prepared to pay through the nose – no thank you!
Overall in my opinion Xdating falls short in terms of providing quality matchmaking services; especially compared to its competitors who offer much better deals at lower prices (and sometimes even for free!). So unless money isn’t an issue or if long distance relationships are your thing then maybe give this one a miss…you’ve been warned!

  • Advanced search filters to help you find the perfect match
  • Secure messaging system for private conversations
  • Video chat capabilities for virtual dates
  • Instant messenger to quickly connect with other users
  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and authenticity


XDating has a lot of potential, but its pricing leaves something to be desired. The website isn’t free – you’ll need to pay for a subscription if you want access to all the features it offers. That said, there are some benefits that come with paying up: You get unlimited messaging and photo uploads, as well as advanced search capabilities and detailed profile information from other users. Plus, XDating’s prices aren’t too bad compared to similar sites – they’re competitive enough that it might just be worth shelling out the cash for them!

Still though…it would have been nice if XDating had gone with an entirely free model like so many other dating websites do these days. After all, who doesn’t love getting something for nothing? But hey – maybe I’m asking too much here!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, browse profiles, send winks, message*
Gold $29 All free features + unlimited messaging, VIP profile
VIP $49 All gold features + highlighted profile, priority support

Similar Sites

There are many alternatives to XDating, such as online dating sites like Match.com and eHarmony, or even traditional methods of meeting people through friends and family networks. Additionally, there are social media platforms that can be used for finding potential partners like Facebook Dating or Tinder.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a casual relationship.
  • Best for singles who are open-minded and want to explore different types of relationships.
  • Best for those seeking long-term commitment or marriage.


1. Is XDating free?

No, it’s not free. It’s actually pretty expensive for what you get. Definitely not worth the money in my opinion.

2. How does XDating website work?

XDating is a dating site that’s pretty much all about hooking up. It doesn’t have any real filters or safety measures, so it can be dangerous to use. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend XDating as a reliable way to find someone special.

3. Is XDating worth the money?

No way! XDating is a total waste of money. It’s full of fake profiles and the customer service is terrible. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating experience.

4. Does XDating have a mobile app?

No, XDating doesn’t have a mobile app. It’s really inconvenient and makes it hard to stay connected with potential matches. Plus, most other dating sites offer an app these days so I’m not sure why they don’t!

Carol Allen

Carol Allen is an online dating expert and passionate writer who specializes in reviews of the latest dating sites and apps. She has a degree in Psychology from Stanford University, where she also studied Human Computer Interaction. This background enabled her to understand how people interact with technology when it comes to finding love or companionship on the internet. Before becoming an online dating expert, Carol worked as a relationship coach for many years helping couples navigate their relationships through difficult times while providing them with tools that could help improve communication between partners. It was during this time that she realized there were still so many singles out there struggling to find meaningful connections due to lack of access or knowledge about modern-day technologies like mobile applications and websites dedicated solely for connecting individuals seeking romantic partnerships. Seeing these issues inspired Carol into taking action by creating content around navigating digital platforms such as Tinder, Bumble, Hinge etc., making sure those looking for love are able to make informed decisions before diving into any kind of commitment without being misled by false promises made by some companies offering services they can’t deliver upon nor guarantee success rates among users engaging on said platforms; all thanks not only her educational background but also personal experience gained over the years working closely with clients trying hard yet unsuccessfully at finding “the one” using traditional methods available prior entering cyberspace era.. Today you can find plenty of articles written both professionally (for publications) & personally (on social media outlets) authored under name "Carol Allen" discussing various topics related not just exclusively towards matters concerning online/mobile matchmaking industry but rather delving deeper beyond surface level analyzing its implications within society's current cultural landscape & projecting possible outcomes based off data collected throughout research process conducted independently each piece crafted carefully addressing every detail accordingly always keeping readers best interest mind first above anything else

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